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Recount text dan 3 jenisnya yang mesti dikuasai

A. Memahami Recount Text

Pernah menuliskan pengalaman, atau kegiatan yang sudah terjadi kepada teman dan keluarga? Nah, kegiatan teman-teman menulis cerita tersebut sudah dikatakan menulis sebuah recount text.

Jadi apa bedanya sama text narative, kan dia menceritakan juga? Tetap beda, dalam narative teks terdapat konflik, masalah dan penyelesaiannya, sedangkan recount tidak.

B. Ciri-cirinya recount text begini:

  1. Menggunakan Past tense seperti simple past, past cotinuous, past perfect, dan past perfect continuous.
  2. Punya satu cerita saja, baik itu peristiwa maupun tokoh.
  3. Menggunakan action verb contohnya: went, sold, dan jumped.
  4. Menggunakan adverb of time seperti last month, last week dll.
  5. Menggunakan conjunction seperti and, then, after that.

Punya generic structure seperti ini

  1. Orientation: pada bagian awal adalah letak orientation, dimana penulis menceritakan siapa yang terlibat dalam cerita, peristiwa, waktu dan dimana cerita ini berlangsung. Contohnya:

Yesterday, I went to shop and see pare`s condition with two other friends. We just walked from homestay to minimarket that sells a lot of household`s demand.

2. Events: merupakan rangkaian kronologis cerita yang disampaikan secara berurut. Karena terletak pada paragraf selanjutnya maka tidak akan sulit mengetahuinya. Kuy lihat contoh dibawah ini!

When we just got out of our house in the morning about 9 am and stepped to asphalt road, there was no pedestrian we could see walking around, lorries  commuting and even motorcycle which always come and gone. It was completely slack and quite.

50 meters to reach the market, we saw two street vendors waiting for their costumers sadly. It was told that almost a week, their vendible ended up in rubbish bin, no people went out and bought some because of the existance of Covid-19. This pandemic disease is to spread exacerbately from march to april here in Pare zone.

We stopped there and I asked my friend to picture that moment – a moment of a seller who waited his costumers alone. After finished, we rushed to the shop to get our daily need.

3. Reorientation: pada bagian ini, cerita diulang kembali sebagai kesimpulan dan penulis biasanya juga memasukkan kesan dan pesan sebagai kesimpulan akhir. Kuy lihat contoh berikut:

As we finished the shopping in the market place, we hurried to back home again because being exposed to the outsiders was seemingly horror at that moment. Covid-19 pandemic was not only looked scary for local people, but also for us who immigrated to make a living here.

C.Terdapat 3 jenis recount text

  1. Personal recount: menceritakan pengalaman penulis sendiri.
  2. factual recount: menceritakan sebuah laporan yang benar-benar terjadi dimasa lampau seperti laporan bencana alam.
  3. imaginative recount: menceritakan sesuatu berdasarkan imajinasi dan terjadi dimasa lampau.

Sekarang pertanyaannya adalah, contoh diatas termasuk kedalam jenis yang mana hayoo? Ingat ya teman-teman saat menulis sebuah recount text, semua hal yang terjadi harus dalam masa lampau.

Contoh lainnya:

One day, hunters fell into the bottom of the abyss and have already frustated to be out of its rock ravine. When someone of them wanted to climp; others shouted loudly to forbid him climbing ” Hey monkey, you will die and hit the rock if you fall, just give up”. at the moment of sadness for being trapped, someone stepped forward and climbed the rockhill; while other shout angrily, “hey crazy monkey, just give up,give up”. But he didn`t notice and continued to climb. Until he successfully reached the top and saved his life, he turned his face to them down there and yelled ” I am deaf so I am sorry I didn`t hear you. If I listened to you all it might be I will not be here now.

Apakah teman teman memperhatikan cerita diatas? iya itu tergolong pada imaginative recount text dimana cerita itu adalah karangan belaka bukan berdasarkan fakta. Semoga teman teman dapat memahaminyadengan baik. Sekian untuk hari ini ya.


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