Active and Passive Voice | Pentingnya Memahami Perbedaan

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Active and Passive Voice.

Sama seperti bahasa Indonesia, dalam bahasa Inggris juga terdapat kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif. Penggunaan kedua kalimat ini tentu akan membingungkan bagi siswa yang baru belajar bahasa Inggris karena terdapat peraturan grammar yang mesti diikuti pada setiap jenis tenses.

Dalam artikel ini kita akan membahas tuntas setiap penggunaan kalimat aktif dan pasif secara berurut dalam setiap tenses. Jadi urain ini bisa menjadi rujukan dasar buat teman-teman yang baru belajar bahasa Inggris. Kita mulai saja ya.


Kalimat aktif adalah kalimat yang menunjukkan subject melakukan sebuah tindakan. Dalam bahasa Indonesia , kalimat ini bisa dikenali dengan penggunaan awalan me- dan beberapa ada juga penggunaan awalan ber- .

Sedangkan kalimat passive menunjukkan subject sebagai sasaran dari tindakan atau menjadi penerima/penderita dari tindakan. Dalam bahasa Indonesia , kalimat passive bisa ditandai dengan adanya awalan di- dan beberapa ada awalan ter-.

Cara merubah bentuk kalimat aktif ke bentuk pasif adalah dengan menambahkan to be atau mengikuti rumus S+ to be + V3. Rumus ini berlaku untuk kedalam semua tenses.

Hal lain yang perlu teman-teman diketahui adalah penggunaan passive voice adalah untuk memberi tekanan penjelasan apa yang terjadi pada subject-nya bukan pada verb-nya.

Active Voice (AV) : The cat eats a mouse in there.

Passive voice (PV) : The mouse is eaten by cat

Contoh-contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam tenses

Sekarang mari kita lihat penerapan kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam tenses yang umum kita gunakan ya!

Present tense

  • active voice (AV) : Andi drinks a cup of coffee
  • Passive Voice (PV): A cup of coffe is drunk by Andi.
  • AV : Jane turns on a rice cooker.
  • PV : A rice cooker is turned on by Jane.
  • AV : My mom buys some meals.
  • PV : Some meals are bought by my mom.

Present Continuous

  • AV : Anne is riding a motorcycle.
  • PV : A motorcycle is being ridden by Anne.
  • AV: Jhon is hunting a flying duck.
  • PV: A flying duck is being hunted by Jhon.
  • AV: Bili is shooting a snack to die.
  • PV: A snack is being shoot to die by Bili.

Past tense

  • AV : Anne smacked a chicken.
  • PV : A chicken was smacked by Anne.
  • AV : James delivered a letter to Anne last week.
  • PV : Last week, A letter was delivered to Anne by James.
  • AV : Emy received a phone call from her mom.
  • PV : A phone call was received by Emy from her mom.

Past continuous tense

  • AV : Dady was cooking noodle.
  • PV : Noodle was being cooked by Dady.
  • AV : Obama was waiting a teacher when you were in the toilet.
  • PV :  a teacher wa being waited by Obama when you were in the toilet.
  • AV : Ameer was writing a letter to Jhon.
  • PV : A letter to Jhon was being written by Ameer.

Present perfect

  • AV : Jaggo Has bought new  car.
  • PV : a new car hasbeenbough by Jaggo.
  • AV : Roy has launched a new book.
  • PV : a new book has been launched by Roy.
  • AV : They have eaten all food at my home
  • PV : .all food at my home have been eaten by them.

Past perfect

  • AV : Sunni had told the true story to James before you come.
  • PV : The true story had been told to James by Sunni before you come.
  • AV : The lorry had loaded the good to warehouse.
  • PV: The goods had been loaded to warehouse by the lorry.
  • AV : Comittee had canceled the party.
  • PV : The party Had been canceled by Comittee.

Future tense

  • AV : She will return the broken TV to the shop.
  • PV : The broken TV will be returned to the shop by Her.
  • AV : Andy will show his new hairstyle before show.
  • PV : His new hairstyle will be shown by himself before show.
  • AV : the serial shootings will crack our ear drums for their noise.
  • PV : Our ear drums will be cracked by serial shootings for their noise.

Future perfect

  • AV : They will have taught English for two years by next semester.
  • PV : English will have been taught for two years by next semester.
  • AV: Borries will have done his proposal before home by next meeting
  • PV : His proposal will have been done before home by next meeting.

Nah, untuk tenses seperti present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous, future continouous, dan future perfect continuous tidak digunakan passive voice nya menurut buku panduan menulis English berjudul Let`s write English revised edition oleh  Goerge E wishon dan  Julia M. Burks.

Demikian artikel tentang memahami kalimat Active and Passive Voice. Jadi seperti itulah penggunaan active and passive voice dalam percakapan maupun penulisan yang benar. Selamat berusaha ya kawan-kawan dalam belajar Active and Passive Voice.