Ini Dia Pengertian Tenses, Rumus Serta Penggunaannya

Bagikan :

Tense adalah perubahan bentuk kata kerja yang di pengaruhi oleh waktu terjadinya suatu peristiwa/kejadian.

16 tenses

Ditinjau dari waktu kejadian peristiwa, tense dibagi menjadi 4 macam:

  1. Present Tense (waktu sekarang atau saat ini)
  2. Past Tense (waktu lampau)
  3. Future Tense (waktu yang akan datang)
  4. Past Future (rencana yang gagal)

Ditinjau dari tingkat kesempurnaan kejadiannya dibagi menjadi 4 macam:

  1. Simple (kebiasaan/fakta)
  2. Continues (sedang terjadi)
  3. Perfect (sudah selesai)
  4. Perfect Continues (masih berlangsung)

Untuk memperjelas pengertian dan pemahaman tentang tense, berikut ini akan dijelaskan dua pola dasar tense:

  1. Pola 6 konsep dasar tense
  2. Simple:
  3. Present: V-s/ -es
  4. Past: V2
  5. Future: will/shall + V1
  6. Perfect: have/has + V3
  7. Continues: be + Ving


  1. Pola 5 perubahan kata kerja dalam rumus tense:

Bare Inf


Additional Inf

(V-s/ -es)



Past Pcp


Present Pcp


Be Is, am, are Was, were Been Being
Do Does Did Done Doing
Have Has Had Had Having
Will Would
Shall Should


Simple Continues Perfect Perfect Continues
Present Vs/es Is, am, are + Ving Have/Has + V3 Have/Has + Been + Ving
Past V2 Was/Were + Ving Had + V3 Had + Been + Ving
Future Will/Shall + V1 Will/Shall + be + Ving Will/Shall + Have + V3 Will/ Shall + Have + Been + Ving
Past Future Would/ Should + V2 Would/Should + be + Ving Would/ Should + Have + V3 Would/Should + Have + Been + Ving


Simple Continues Perfect Perfect Continues
Present Is, am, are + 3C Is, am, are + 3C Have/Has + Been + 3C Have/Has + Been + 3C
Past Was/Were + 3C Was/Were + 3C Had + been + 3C Had + been + 3C
Future Will/Shall + Be + 3C Will/Shall + Be + 3C Will/Shall + Have + Been + 3C Will/Shall + Have + Been + 3C
Past Future Would/ Should + Be + 3C Would/ Should + Be + 3C Would/ Should + Have + Been + 3C Would/ Should + Have + Been + 3C


Simple Continues Perfect Perfect Continues
Present Vs/ es Vs/ es Have/Has + V3 Have/Has + V3
Past V2 V2 Had + V3 Had + V3
Future Will/Shall + V1 Will/Shall + V1 Will/Shall + Have + V3 Will/Shall + Have + V3
Past Future Would/Should + V1 Would/Should + V1 Would/Should + Have + V3 Would/Should + Have + V3


Always Usually Often Sometimes Seldom Rarely Never
100% 99%-90% 90%-75% 75%-25% 25%-10% 10%-1% 0%


Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Ann always drinks tea with lunch # # # # # # #
Ann usually drinks tea with lunch # # # # # #
Ann often drinks tea with lunch # # # # #
Ann sometimes drinks tea with lunch # # #
Ann seldom drinks tea with lunch # #
Ann rarely drinks tea with lunch #
Ann never drinks tea with lunch

Non perfect Tense (Form, Time Signal, dan Penggunaan)

Tense Time Signal Use
Simple Present


Verbal Form

S + V-s/ es

S + do, does + not + V1

Do/Does + S + V1

Do/Does + S + not + V1


Nominal Form

S + is, am, are + 3C

S + is, am, are + not + 3C

Is, am, are + S + 3C

Is, am, are + S + not + 3C

– Every (Time)


– Always



– Usually







(seperti biasanya)

-As a rule





70% (Sering)


20% (Jarang)


10% (Sangat jarang)

– Sometimes

50% (kadang-kadang)

-Now and then



30% (kadang-kadang)

-On and Off (kadang-kadang)

-Regularly (Secara tetap)



-On (day)


– Mengungkapkan kejadian yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang dan sudah menjadi (habitual actions)

Example: She always goes to garden every day

– Menyatakan kebenaran umum (general truth) di masa sekarang

Example: The earth is round

-Menyatakan kecakapan/kemampuan (ability), watak/sifat seseorang


My boss is friendly

-Sebagai Head line news (judul berita utama) dalam surat kabar/majalah


Jokowi visits Papua

– Kalimat perintah/ larangan


Don’t take your book (-)

Take your book (+)

– Future time/time table (waktu yang sudah terjadwal) atau setiap waktunya sama bahkan dimasa yang akan datang


Global English open at 8 o’clock tomorrow

-Series of action (kejadian yang berurutan)


This is a big match, a player gets a ball from Sunhaii and brings it to the goal keeper and goals

-Sebagai pengganti Present Continues apabila terdapat “certain Non Progressive verbs”


She is wanting an apple (salah)

She wants an apple (benar)


Present Continues


Verbal Form

S + is, am, are + Ving

S + is, am, are + not +Ving

Is, am, are + S + Ving

Is, am, are + S + not + Ving


Nominal Form in

Simple Present


– Now

– Right Now

– At present

– At the moment

– At this moment

– Today

(sekarang/ saat ini)

– This morning (pagi ini)

– This afternoon (sore ini)

– This evening (malam ini)

– Tonight (malam ini/nanti malam)

– Next (time) (selanjutnya)

– Look! (Lihat)

– Listen! (dengar!)

– Hear! (Dengar!)

– Menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang dilakukan (saat ini)


We are studying grammar 2 now

– Menyatakan rasa jengkel (always/ forever/ constantly)

Example: He is always/ forever/constantly using my phone

– Menyatakan keadaan yang berangsur-angsur berubah saat ini.


The weather is getting colder and colder

You speaking skill is improving

– Menyatakan kejadian yang berlangsng tetapi masih dalam kerangka proses (this time)

Example: they are eriting a novel this month

– Menyatakan future time (menggunakan time signal simple future/keterangan waktu harus disebutkan)

Example: She is coming to my home tomorrow

Simple Past


Verbal Form

S + V2

S + did + not + V1

Did + S + V1

Did + S + not + V1


Nominal Form

S + was, were + 3C

S + was, were + not + 3C

Was, were + S + 3C

Was, were + S + not + 3C

– Adverb of Frequency (keterangan keseringan)

– Last (time) (…yang lalu)

– Cardinal Number (ago) (…yang lalu)

– Yesterday (kemarin)

– In (past time) (pada)

This (time) (tadi..)

– Menyatakan kebiasaan yang dilakukan pada waktu lampau


We often stole mango behind his house

We were used to stealing mango behind his house

We were accustomed to stealing mango behind his house

Used to + V1/ “be” used to + object 9gerund, noun…) = “be” accustomed to + obj (gerund, noun…) / get used to + object (gerund, noun…)

UUsed to + V1: mengungkapkan sebuah aktivitas atau kejadian dimasa lalu atau kebenaran di amsa lalu yang pada saat ini sudah tidak pernah dilakukan lagi.


She used to love me but not anymore (dia dulu mencintaiku, tapi sekarang tidak lagi)

“Be” used to + obj = “Be” accustomed to + Obj: menjelaskan sebuah aktivitas yang menjadi sebuah kebiasaan bagi seseorang.

“Be” (is, am, are: kebiasaan saat ini), (was were: kebiasaan masa lalu)


Rina is used to living alone

(Rina terbiasa tinggal sendiri)

– get used to + obj: mengungkapkan sesuatu dalam proses menjadi normal, atau kini menjadi biasa.


He doesn’t like smoking, but he will get used to it

(Dia tidak suka merokok, tapi da akn terbiasa dengan itu.

I got used to working as a team in a big company

(Saya menjadi terbiasa bekerja dalam tim di perusahaan besar

-Menyatakan kebenaran umum (gerund truth) waktu lampau

Example: Soeharto was our second president.

Past Continues


Verbal Form

S + was, were, Ving

S + was, were + not + Ving

Was, were + S + Ving

Was, were + S + not + Ving


Nominal Form in

Simple Past

– At 7 o’clock Yesterday (pada pukul 7 kemarin)

– At 5 o’clock last week (pada pukul 5 minggu lalu)

-At this time yesterday (pada saat ini kemarin)

-At the same time yesterday (pada saat yang sama kemarin)

– Menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau (tanpa atau dengan time signal)


Last year at this time, she was attending school

– Menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang terjadi di waktu lampau ketika perbuatan lain terjadi

Example: He called me while I was studying grammar

Simple Future


Verbal Form


S + will/shall + V1

S + will/shall + not + V1

Will/shall + S + V1

Will/shall + S + not + V1


Nominal Form

S + will/shall + be + 3C

S + will/shall + not + be + 3C

Will/shall + S + be + 3C

Will/shall + S + not + be + 3C

– Adverb of Frequency (keterangan keseringan)

– Tomorrow (besok)

– Next + (time/ day) (…selanjutnya)

– Cardinal Number + (later) (…selanjutnya)

– Tonight (nanti malam)

– Soon ( segera)

– Menyatakan peristiwa/ kegiatan yang akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang.


Steward will visit my home tomorrow.

-Digunakan untuk kalimat  conditional sentence (kalimat bersyarat jenis pertama)

Example: You will pass the test if you study hard.

– Menyatakan kebiasaan di masa mendatang (habitual action in future)


They will always help her next month

– Menyatakan kebenaran umum (general truth) di masa mendatang


Everyone will die.

– Menyatakan rencana (palnning)

1. Prior plan (sudah terencana)

Pola: S + BE GOING TO + V1


Why did you buy this paint?

I am going to paint my bedroom tomorrow

2. Spontaneity (spontanitas)

Pola: S + wILL/sHALL +V1


The phone is hinging. I will pick the phone up.

3. Imminent Fullfilment ( hampir terjadi/ akan segera terjadi)

Pola: S + Wil/Shall +V1


Daniel is in airport. He is about tp go to Bali.

The show is about to begin. Please silence your cell phone.

-Menyatakan suatu prediksi


S + Will/ Shall + V1

S + Be going to + V1


According to the weather report, it will be cloudy tomorrow

According to the weather report, it is going to be cloudy tomorrow.

Future Continues


Verbal Form

S + will/shall + be + Ving

S + will/shall + not + be + Ving

Will/shall + S + be + Ving

Will/shall + S + not + be + Ving


Nominal Form in

Simple Future

– At 7 o’clock tomorrow (pada pukul 7 besok)

– At the same time tomorrow (pada waktu yang sama besok)

– At this time tomorrow (pada saat seperti ini besok)

– Tomorrow morning (besok pagi)

– Menyatakan peristiwa/perbuatan yang sedang terjadi/ dilakukan pada waktu tertentu di amsa yang akan datang.


We will be studying grammar 2 at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning.

Present Perfect

Verbal Form

S + have, has + V3

S + have, has + not + V3

Have, has + S + V3

Have, has + S + not + V3


Nominal Form

S + Have, has + been + 3C

S + have, has + not + been + 3C

Have, has + S + been + 3C

Have, has + S + not + been + 3C

– Already (+)

– Just (+)

– Not..yet (-)

– Adverb of frequency

– Adverb Showing Duration (as yet, so far, up to now, until now, up to the present) All (day), Recently, Lately

– Spesific Time Duration (since, for)

Pola: Since

Conj: Since + S + V (S.Ps)

Prep: Since + Past Time (Obj of Prep)

Since: sejak (awal waktu)

Since + last time + sejak yang lalu

Pola: For

For: Prep + Obj of Prep

For: SSelama (akumulaSi waktu)

For + the last time = selama…terakhir

– Menyatakan peristiwa yang telah selesai terjadi pada waktu lampau (waktunya tidak dijelaskan) dan masih ada hubungannya sengan saat ini (since, for,..etc)


She has lived in Pare up to now

– Menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi lebih dari satu kali (repitition)


Robert has seen this movie three times

– Menyatakan peristiwa yang sudah selesai pada waktu yang singkat


They have just drunk the tea

Present Perfect Continues


Verbal Form

S + Have, has + been + Ving

S + have, has + not + been + Ving

Have, has + S + been + Ving

Have, has + S + not + been + Ving


Normal Form in Present Perfect

Spesific Time Signal or Time Duration in Present Perfect – Menyatakan peristiwa/ perbuatan yang dimuali pada saat yang lalu dan masih di lanjutkan sampai sekarang (berdurasi)


He has been watching TV for 2 hours when he usually calls me

– Menyatakan peristiwa/ perbuatan yang sudah selesai dilakukan tetapi efeknya masih sangat dirasakan


Look! My friends are full because they have been eating a big buger

Past perfect


Verbal Form

S + Had + V3

S + Had + not + V3

Had + S + V3

Had + S + not + V3


Nominal Form

S + Had + beenr + 3C

S + had + not + been +3C

Had + S + been + 3C

Had + S + not + been + 3C

-Time signal in past time

– Bebentuk Clause (before, after, when…)

Before + S.Ps. Ps. Pf

Ps.Pf before S.Ps

After Ps. Pf. S.Ps

S.Ps after Ps.Pf

When S. Ps, Ps. Pf

Ps. Pf when S.Ps

– Menyatakan peristiwa/perbuatan yang sudah selesa terjadi di waktu lampau.


Before you called yesterday, she had given me a gift

– Menyatakan suatu peristiwa/ perbuatan yang masih berlangsung di waktu lampau.


When Alex visited her last year, she had lived in Pare for 10 years

Past Perfect Continues


Verbal Form

S + had + been + Ving

S + had + not + been + Ving

Had + S + been + Ving

Had + S + not + been + Ving


Nominal Form in Past Perfect

– Time signal in Past Time

– Spesific Time (Time Duration)

– Konsep 2 kejadian

– Menayatakan peristiwa/ perbuatan yang sudah dimuali dan masih berlangsung (berdurasi) pada waktu lampau atas suatu peristiwa yang telah terjadi sebelum peristiwa lain.


Yesterday, I Had been explaining the lesson for 2 hours when Harry passed out

Future Perfect


Verbal Form

S + will/shall + have + V3

S + will/shall + not + have + v3

Will/shall + S + have + V3?

Will/shall + S + not + have + V3?


Nominal Form

S + will/shall + have + been + 3C

S + will/shall + not + have + been + 3C Will/Shall + S + have + been + 3C

Will/shall + S + not + have + been + 3C?

– “By” (menjelang) + Time Signal in Future Time

– By nect Monday

– By next Month

– menyatakan peristiwa/perbuatan yang akan selesa dilakukan pada masa mendatang

Example: By next week, we will have studied grammar 2 in GE

– Menyatakan peristiwa/ perbuatan yang masih dilakukan/ berlangsung dimasa mendatang


By the end of the year, Barry will have got married for 15 years

– Menyatakan peristiwa/perbuatan yang telah selesa dimasa yang akan datang ketika kejadian yang lain terjadi


When my father comes tomorrow, I shall have finished the homework

Future Perfect Continues


Verbal Form

S + will/shall + have + been + Ving

S + will/shall + not + have + been + Ving

Will/ shall + S + Have + been + Ving?

Will/shall + S + not + have + been + Ving?


Nominal Form in Future Perfect

– “By” (menjelang) + Time Signal in Future Time (Berdurasi)

– By….for…

– By next week for a month

– By the end of…

– Menyatakan peristiwa/perbuatan yang masih erlangsung di amsa mendatang (berdurasi)


By the end of this month, we shall have been studying English for three months


Kamu bisa belajar tense lebih intens lagi di Lembaga Kursus Global English Kampung inggris Pare Kediri.