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Kalimat bersyarat (Conditional Sentence) di dalam bahasa Inggris mempunyai 3 bentuk kalimat bersyarat:


Kalimat bersyarat type 1

Kalimat bersyarat type 2

Kalimat bersyarat type 3


  1. Conditional Sentence Type 1

Fungsi: Menyatakan pengandalan tentang sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi jika syartanya terpenuhi.


  • Bagian kalimat yang mengandung syarat dimulai dengan kata “IF” (IF Clause)
  • Bagian kalimat yang merupakan akibat (hasil) berbentuk present Tense atau Future tense
  • Terdapat 3 pola yang digunakan:
  1. Menyatakan Future Time:
  2. C: Simple Future

If. C: Simple present

Reality: –

Time Signal: Simple Future

Example: If have money, I will by a new car.

Reality: –

  1. Menyatakan kebiasaan (habitual action/situation)

M C: Simple Present

If. C: SSimple Present

Reality: –

Time Signal: Simple Future

Example: If you have much money, why do you not buy a new car?

Reality: –

  1. Menyatakan Perintah
    M C: Imperatitive Form (please) + V1 + (O/Adv)!) | (Don’t + V1 + (O/Adv)! )

If: C: Simple Present

Reality: –

Time signal: simple future

Example: Please call me if you need help!


  1. Conditional Sentence Type 2

Fungsi: Menyatakan pengandaan tentang sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan fakta di masa sekarang.


  • Dalam type 2 semua subject menggunakan “were” di “If clause”nya apabila kalimat tersebut nominal
  • Bila ingin menyatakanhasrat atau kemauan menggunakan ‘would”
  • Bila ingin menyatakan keharusan menggunakan “should”

Pola Type 2:

M C: Past Future

If C: Simple Past

Reality: Simple present

Time Signal: Present Continues


C S: I would tell you about it if I were here.


I would tell you about it were I here

Were I here, I would tell you about it.

Reality: I do not tell you because I am not here.

C S: He would come if you invited him

Reality: He does not come because you do not invite him

C S: If it were not raining, you should come here

Reality: Because it is raining, you do not come here

  1. Conditional Sentence Type 3

Fungsi: Menyatakan pengandaian tentang sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan fakta di masa lampau:

Menyatakan penyesalan tentang sesuatu yang telah terjadi di masa lampau.

  • Ciri-ciri:

– Dalam type 3 terdapat pola inversi (perubahan posisi “V + S”) di “if clause”

– Type 3 identik dengan “perfect time”

Pola type 3:

M C: Past Future Perfect

If C: Past Perfect

Reality: Simple Past

Time Signal: Simple Past


C S: If they had not lost their way, they would have arrived sooner


Had they not lost their way, they would have arrived sooner

They would have arrived sooner had they not lost their way.

Reality: Because they lost their way, they did not arrive sooner.


Pola Inversi di Conditional Sentence:

If + S + Were jadi Were + S + 3C

If + S + Had jadi Had + S + V3

If + S + Should jadi Should + S + v1


Materi lebih lengkapnya bisa kamu dapatkan di lembaga kursus Global English, Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri Jawa Timur.
