IELTS speaking: Baca 2 cara ini biar lancar pada part 1

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IELTS speaking: Baca 2 cara ini biar lancar pada part 1

Tulisan mimin yang ini berbeda dengan sebelumnya mengenai penjelasan IELTS speaking test yang lebih pada masalah yang dihadapi maka disini teman-teman belajar menjawab soal-soal pada IELTS  speaking dengan beberapa cara, langsung aja di cek ya:

Cara pertama: Basic Description, berupa soal-soal deskripsi sederhana yang sering ditanyakan seperti hometown dan studies. Menjawabnya cukup mudah dan simpel tapi bagi sebagian orang yang tidak ada preparation akan kerepotan.

Untuk membuka pembicaraan pada IELTS speaking bisa dengan

Oke, then…


well, you know…


Right, Oke…


Well, first of all…

Nah, setelahnya teman bila ditanyai atau diminta deskripsi dengan  “tell me about your hometown”, oleh examiner, teman-teman sudah bisa menjawab dengan “Well, first of all, you know, I live in Medan which is located in Sumatra island. The first thing you need to know about this city is Toba Lake, a famous tourist destination that belongs to my hometown, it attracts people aound the world to visit and charms them to see the pure nature.

Kok, penjelasannya malah tambah panjang, sebelumnya cuma tambah “well” doang. pasti nanya gitu kan? Nah, dibawah ini ada beberapa pilihan phrases yang bisa digunakan sebagai penambah alasan biar speakingnya natural. perhatikan ya

…the first thing I should mentioned is that…

… the point i`d like to begin with is that…

…I could start off by saying that …

…my initial point would be that…

…I need to start off by pointing out that…

…the main thing you need to know is that…

… I suppose I should begin by highlighting the fact that…

… you may (may not) be aware that is the fact…

…I really need to kick off with the point that…

Baca Juga :IELTS writing: 5 langkah menyelesaikan Line Chart pada task 1

mau nambah point kedua? ini ada lagi templete yang bisa kamu gunakan, perhatikan dan pilih saja yang menurut kamu cocok:

Another point which I could add is that…

A second feature which I should mention is that…

As well as that, I could say that…

On top of that I can also add that…

Also, I suppose I should say that…

Kalu mau nambah point ketiga, boleh, mulai pakai phrase ini coba:

And I shouldn`t forget to mention that…

In addition to what i`ve just said, I can add that…

Something else that i need to comment on is that…

I guess I could also remark the fact that…

Jadi misalnya nih, teman-teman mau menjawab satu soal yang meminta deskripsi, akan seperti ini jawabannya:

Well, As you know that I come from Jakarta, a capital city of Indonesia located in Java island. The first thing you need to know about this city is becoming more crowded because people from different areas come and settle down here to make a living. On top of that I can also add that having traffics frequently is something that disturbs people to commute to work or to school everyday.

Jadi, dengan menggunakan template diatas, teman-teman sudah punya cara supayangomong-nya flexible, silahkan dipraktek sendiri ya.

Cara kedua Saying liking and disliking juga ada phrases yang membantu sekali buat lancarin ngomongnya. Coba dicek aja dibawah ini ya:

Do you like animals?

“Yes, I like animals. I like cats and dogs because they are very lovely.

Jawaban diatas sudah benar, cuma kaku dan sederhana  sekali. padahal teman-teman masih bisa mengembangkannya dalam kalimat yang baik dan tuntas. Jadi coba pakai beberapa phrases dibawah ini:

I`m fairly/ pretty keen on…

I`m really into…

I`m quite a big fan of…

I simply adore…

I`m quite enthusiatic about…

I generally prefer… (use only when comparing)

I`m quite/pretty fond of…

I`m totally mad about…

I`m quite partial to …

I`m quite passionate about…

Nah buat nambah alasan, boleh juga nih pakai linking phrase seperti dibawah ini:

And I guess this is probably because…

This could be because…

This might be because…

This is due to the fact that…

I suppose the reason has something to do wiith the fact that…

Sekarang coba perhatikan bila sudah menggunakan gabungan phrases diatas dalam jawaban soal diatas:

Well, to be quite honest, generally I would bravely say that I`m actually a big fan of animals and particularly I would say domestic cat is my favorite one. its cuteness and companionship are two reasons why I love it. it behaves like no mistake and its face is adorable for sure. As well as this, the cat also be my friend while I am at home alone.


Demikian pembahasan tentang IELTS speaking.  Semoga bermanfaat 🙂