16 arah mata angin

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16 Arah Mata Angin

Teman-teman sering berpetualang, camping atau menjelajah? tentu kalian bawa kompas kan. Benda ini tidak terlepas dari fungsingya sebagai penunjuk arah mata angin. Nah, sekarang kita akan membahas arah mata angin tapi sebagai topik belajar bahasa inggris, supaya wilayah jelajah kalian tidak mentok di perairan nusantara saja. Kuy dipantau!

Arah mata angin dalam bahasa inggris disebut sebagai the points of compass, ehm, sekarang jangan pakai lagi frase wind direction ya, kurang keren. Lihat tabel dibawah ini supaya lebih jelas ya!

1 North N Utara
2 North Northest NNE Utara timur laut
3 Northeast NE Timur laut
4 East north east ENE Timur timur laut
5 East E Timur
6 East southeast ESE Timur tenggara
7 Southeast SE Tenggara
8 South southeast SSE Timur tenggara
9 South S Selatan
10 South southwest SSW Selatan barat daya
11 Southwest SB Barat daya
12 West southwest WSW Barat barat daya
13 West W Barat
14 West nortwest WNW Barat barat laut
15 Nortwest NW Barat laut
16 Nort nortwest NNW Utara barat laut


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Sesudah tahu baiknya digunakan dalam kalimat supaya teman teman terbiasa untuk melafalkan arah mata angin. Nah, kalau untuk penggunaannya dalam speaking, kadang west, north, south, east dll bisa menjadi adjective, naoun atau adverb. Jadi mengenali mereka dalam contoh kalimat sangat membantu kita melancarkan speaking terkait direction. Perhatikan sentences berikut ini:

  • The points of compass are north, south, east and west.
  • My village is in the east of Medan city
  • I come from middle-east
  • Jakarta is situated on the northwest coast of the wolrd`s populous island of Java
  • West Java isbounded by the province of central java to the east, the indian ocean to the south, the province of Banten to the west, the special capital district of Jakarta to the northwest and the Java sea to the north.
  • Amundsen-Scott South pole station is a united states scientific research station at the south pole, the southermost place on the earth.
  • Bali is a province of Indonesia and the westernmost of lesser sunda islands.
  • Lombok is an island in the west Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. It forms part of the chain of the lesser sunda islands with the Lombok Strait seperating it from Bali to the west and the Alas strait between it and Sumbawa to the east.
  • Aceh is the westernmost province of Indonesia. It is located in the northern end of Sumatra with Banda Aceh being its capital and largest city.
  • Honoluluis being a host to diverse variety of east-west and pacific cultures, cuisines and traditions.
  • Saudi Arabia, officially the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a country in Western Asia constituting the bulk of the Arabian peninsula.
  • Palestinian territories, occopied or controlled by Israel, comprising the West Bank, East Jerussalem, and the Gaza Strip.
  • Israel, formally known as the state of israel, is a country in Western Asia, located in souteastern shore of Mediteranean sea and the northern shore of the red sea.
  • The united kingdomof Great Britain and Northern Island, commonly known as the United Kingdom(UK or U.K) or Britain, is sovereign country located off the nortwestern coast of the European mainland. The united kingdom includes Great Britain, the Norteastern part ofthe island of Ireland and many smaller islands.
  • Sydney is astate capital of new south wales and the most populous city in Australia and Ociana.
  • Luxemburg is landlocked country in wester Europe, it is bordered by Belgium to the west and north, Germany to the east, and France to the south.
  • London is capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom. Standing on the River Thames in the south-east of England at the head of its 50-mile estuary, leading to the north-sea, London has been a major settlement for two millenia.
  • The gallapagos islands are an archipalago of vulcanic islands distributed on either side of the equator in pacific oceansurrounding the center of western hemisphere.

Semoga pengertian dan contoh-contoh diatas tentang arah mata angin bisa menambah ilmu teman-teman. semangat belajar bahasa inggris nya ya!

